Ota yhteyttä:
marianna at osuuskuntakuje.fi I 050 337 5167
Marianna is a drama teacher (MA), improviser and dance-movement therapist. She is also a language teacher, an actor and a director. Currently Marianna is studying her second master's degree (MA) in Musicology.
Marianna works in a co-operative company Kuje, whose co-founder she also is. Besides that, she works at the open university of Jyväskylä (and around Finland) teaching drama education. She also works in several companies; in an applied drama company Theatre-in- Education Taivaltajat, who especially use applied drama methods in their work, and in an Improvisation Theatre JOO!. Her every day work is in the field of drama education, improvisation theater, applied theater and drama, scripted theater and communication skills training at schools, universities and different communities and companies.
Marianna takes therapy clients, who are interested especially in using their bodies and movement as a therapy method and learning tool. If you are interested in dance-movement therapy, you can contact Marianna from this page, or you can visit her website for dance-movement therapy Tanssi-liiketerapia Kehosfääri®.
Marianna has studied and performed in several international improvisation festivals in Europe (for example Sweden, England, Italy, Estonia, Germany), and she performs regularly in Finland with her groups.